School Hours: 8:20am - 2:50pm (Arrival should be prior to 8:20am)
Attendance Office Phone: 516-441-4515
Regular attendance at school is a prerequisite for academic success. All students are expected to be on time every day.
Students must wear their ID Badges daily and will sign in to school each morning with their ID Badge. Lost badges can be replaced for $5 through MySchoolBucks.
Classrooms open at 8:15 AM and school begins promptly at 8:20 AM.
Students need to sign in to school by noon in order to participate in any and all extracurricular activities.
The Attendance Office and the Deans of Students closely monitor student absence and lateness. Chronic lateness will be referred to the deans for disciplinary action.
Parents should call or email the attendance office (441-4515) by 8:30 a.m. when a student will be absent.
Upon returning to school, an absent note, written and signed by a parent or guardian, is required and should be given to the homeroom teacher. If a child is absent more than 3 consecutive days, a medical note from a doctor must be provided.
For students arriving after 8:30 a.m. a late note, written and signed by a parent or guardian, is required at the time the child signs in at the Main Office.
- Excused absences are defined as absences, tardiness and early departures from class or school due to personal illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads or inclement weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, medical or dental appointments, approved college visits, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations, or such reasons as may be approved by the principal.
All other absences, tardiness and early departures (ATEDs) are considered unexcused absences. All ATEDs must be accounted for with a signed note upon students' return to school. Traffic, oversleeping, or staying up late the night prior are NOT valid reasons for lateness or absences from school. Just because a parent/guardian provides a note, it does not mean it will be accepted as a valid reason for lateness or absences.
- For the protection of your child, you are urged to call the school if he/she is absent from school. To accommodate parents’ schedules, calls will be taken by answering machine when school is not in session. Please leave a message with the student’s full name, grade, date of absence, and the reason for absence.
- If you have any other message, please call the main office while school is in session at 441-4500. This procedure for having parental contact when a student is absent is a necessary safeguard to insure the health and safety of your child.
One of our major goals as a school is to have students show a concern for themselves as well as for other students. Being on time helps fulfill that goal.
1. Homeroom begins at 8:20 a.m. Any student who is not in the Homeroom by this time is late.
2. Students arriving at school between 8:20 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. should report directly to the Homeroom. They will be marked tardy (T) for the day.
3. Only a signed note will excuse a student if it is for a valid reason. (See excused reasons) If a child arrives with a signed note, they will be marked late, and the note will be collected by the homeroom teacher.
4. Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. should report to the Main Office to sign in. Students must have a written note from home excusing the lateness. Lateness after homeroom will be looked at as a separate matter.
If there is no note or lateness isn't for a valid, excused reason, please adhere to the following guidelines:
1st-3rd Lateness: |
Verbal Warning from the homeroom teacher with notation in Infinite Campus. |
4th Lateness: |
Phone call to Parent/Guardian through the Main Office. Homeroom teacher please email facts to the attendance office. |
5th + Lateness: |
A same day Lunch Detention will be issued. Following homeroom, the homeroom teacher will immediately email the Deans. The Deans will inform the student and implement the detention. |
Persistent lateness will be dealt with by the administration on a case-by-case basis.
Please note this procedure will refresh each SEPTEMBER.
When a parent/guardian intends to pick up their child/ren early, a written email or note must be sent to the attendance office with the reason why and time that they will be leaving school. It should also note if the child will be returning to school on that same day.
Early dismissal requests will be considered and only granted for valid reasons when they are requested from a parent/legal guardian.
When students leave early they must be signed out and picked up in the main office by a parent or guardian.